
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

Malang, East Java

When To Go         Indonesia have so many cities, one of them is Malang. In Indonesia it has an average of 365 days of sunshine a year, but Indonesia also have 2 seasons which is summer and rainy day. Usually rainy season happen on September until March.        Malang is in East Java. If you are planning to go to Malang, there are so many special destinations. The most visited place in Malang is Mount Bromo, people also called Mount Bromo as “The Sea of Sand”. If you go to Mount Bromo you better go at dawn so you can see the sunrise because the main reason people go there is to enjoy beautiful sunrise. The weather is very cold at dawn, so people usually wear jacket, gloves and beanie. The price to enter Mount Bromo for local citizen is Rp 29.000 on weekdays and Rp 34.000 on weekend, for foreigner is Rp 220.000 on weekdays and Rp 320.000 on weekend. We need to rent a jeep because the road is very difficult to drive, they offer 2 ways of destinations, which are full and half destinat

Present Participle

The present participle of a regular verb is usually formed by adding –ing to the base of a verb. The present participle can function as part of the verb or as an adjective. The process of turning a participle verb form into an adjective is common in languages around the world. What is unusual about English is that there are two different participle forms that can be turned into adjectives. Moreover, the two different participle forms often have different, even contradictory, meanings. Example of Multiple Choice 1.     The concert ___ showing at the stadium is the one I want to attend.      a. Now      b. Is      c. It      d. Was (The concert merupakan subject, showing merupakan present participle sebagai adjective dan is merupakan kata kerja, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “a” yaitu Now karena jawaban b, c, dan d mengandung kata kerja). 2.     The child ___ playing in the yard is my son.      a. Now      b. Is      c. He      d. Was (The child meru

Object of a Preposition

Preposition Preposition define the relationship between nouns, pronouns, or nouns and pronouns. In fact, a useful way to introduce to the class the idea of prepositions is to talk about an object. Explain that preposition usually show up in sentences as parts of phrases, prepositional phrases, which include a preposition, an object of the preposition (a noun of pronoun that comes after the preposition), and articles or descriptives that come in between. Examples of Preposition; in, at, of, to, by, behind, on, with, etc. Object of a Preposition One of the partners of the preposition−it is usually noun or a pronoun and always follows the preposition. Example of Multiple Choice 1.         _____ alcoholism are the slow destruction of the liver and possible death. a.        The long-term effects of b.       Dangerously c.        The eventual effect of d.       Chronic and eventual (Terdapat kata kerja bantu are sehingga di depan objek alcoholism dibutuhkan

IT Governance dan Risk Management

IT Governance (Tata Kelola) adalah satu set arahan, aturan, kewenangan dan tanggung jawab para stakeholder dari suatu organisasi, sehingga tujuan dari organisasi dapat tercapai tanpa mengorbankan transparansi dan akuntabilitas. IT Governance merupakan salah satu pilar utama dari GCG, maka dalam pelaksanaan IT Governance atau tata kelola TI yang baik sangat diperlukan standar tata kelola TI dengan mengacu kepada standar tata kelola TI internasional yang telah diterima secara luas dan teruji implementasinya. Standar tersebut akan memberikan framework bagi tata kelola yang efektif, efisien, dan optimal serta diterapkan dalam perusahaan di lingkungan BUMN. Demikian juga dapat mencerminkan dengan baik suatu proses pengambilan keputusan dan leadership dalam penyelenggaraan tata kelola TI. A.       Aspek-Aspek IT Governance §        Penyelarasan rencana strategis TI (Strategic Alignment) Pada aspek ini berfokus bagaimana mencapai visi dan misi dari suatu organisasi yang selaras